Agapè Life Belgium, a partner with Agapè Europe, works to make Jesus known so lives are changed. Through personal interaction, events, sports, the arts or online -- we desire to help people experience transformation in every aspect of their lives and in their cities.


Every person designed and created by God, has a unique purpose. It is through a relationship with Jesus Christ that each individual understands this purpose. We bring the life-giving message of Jesus Christ that others might know, be tranformed by and pass on the message to others.


We desire to see teams of Christians that walk in the power of the Holy Spirit reach out to others so that every Belgian knows someone who truly follows Jesus.


Dependence on God
Humble dependence on God is central to the Christian life. We can't do it alone. We need to filled with the Holy Spirit. We rely on God's strenght, knowing that He is under control.

We believe in God, being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we haven't seen. We take the initiative and believe that nothing is impossible with God.

We are called to love one another. Unity needs to be reflected within our organisation and in our partnership with others.

We speak and act in ways that are culturally appropriate and understandable while living out the values taught by Jesus.

We want to see lives being changed and society transformed in a lasting way. We help prepare people to follow Jesus for a lifetime.

We want our efforts to be multiplied so that people of every ethnicity and background have the opportunity to know God in a personal way.




© 2024 Agape Life Belgium